It is here where you will find designated workouts forged for your sport. We will break down a week-by-week exercise program designed to aid you in protecting against injury and helping you to achieve your goals. You will also find an exercise library available with all exercises regardless of sport under one page.
The Viking Battle Plan
Here before you is your 6-week fitness program to help you train like a Viking. This exercise routine is meant to be general purpose, allowing you to strengthen your body as a whole.
Valid until canceled
Full access to the Viking Battle Plan
Full access to the Exercise Library
The Skiing Battle Plan
Here before you is your 6-week fitness program for snow skiing. This exercise routine is designed to prepare you for your upcoming skiing season.
Valid until canceled
Full access to the Skiing Battle Plan
Full Access to the Exercise Library
The Shooting Battle Plan
Here before your is your 6-week fitness program for the tactical athlete. This exercise routine is designed to prepare you for the stresses involved with your profession or recreational activity.
Valid until canceled
Full access to the Shooting Battle Plan
Full access to the Exercise Library