Rock Climbing for me is definitely one of those sports I truly enjoy, but I am by no means an expert at. I tend to find myself fatigued by the end of a session, and essentially need to continue training with the exercises below to better my experience when I get the time to go.
Rock climbing requires a combination of strength, balance, and endurance. While it’s natural to rely on your hands and forearms to make your way up the wall, one must remember that your legs are just as important in helping you maintain your position.
Engaging multiple muscle groups, including fingers, forearms, biceps, legs, and core, can help you maintain balance and grip while traversing challenging terrains.
Never climb alone. Make sure you are prepared with the proper equipment and materials to ensure your safety when climbing.
Preparation for Rock Climbing
Best practice for rock climbing/bouldering is going to be getting out there and performing the routes you are comfortable with. If new to the sport, or in need of further guidance to improve your performance use these exercises to build up the appropriate musculature to excel on the mountain.
Begin with a Dynamic Warm-up.
5 min on the bike/elliptical/treadmill​
High knees, butt kickers, A/B skips, lateral shuffles, jogging
Arm hugs, stir the pot, arm circles
Perform your exercises.
With endurance in mind - low weight and high repetitions. ​
Minimal rest between sets and exercises.
Finish with static stretching.
Lower extremity ​flexibility will be key to reaching and maintaining certain positions
Upper Extremity Endurance
Wrist Flexion Curls
Grip Strength
Pull Ups - Lat Pull Down
Close Grip​
Chin Ups
Pull Up Holds - Hangboards
Static Plate Holds
Lower Extremity Power
Step Up with High Knees
Side-lying Leg Raise
Jumping Squats
Side Lunge
Core Strength
Bear Crawls
Plank (Plank Supermans)
Oblique Crunches
Spiderman Mountain Climbers