I was first introduced to firearms when I was young, deer hunting in the hills of middle Tennessee. After having my son, I developed a keen interest in training with firearms for the protection of my family if the need should arise.
Carrying or manipulating a gun requires responsibility, some may even say leadership.
Your weapon is a tool, whether it be to defend yourself or to provide food for your family, use it wisely.
In my times running in full kit, I have found that equipment tends to weigh you down when not prepared for it.
Preparation for Shooting
Nothing beats getting out on the Range and running in kit with drills, but here's some activities to perform while off the range.
Begin with a Dynamic Warm-up.
5 min on the Bike/elliptical/treadmill​
High knees, butt kickers, A/B skips, lateral shuffles, jogging
Arm hugs, stir the pot, arm circles
Perform your exercises.
With endurance and power in mind
Shouldering and supporting your rifle require endurance​​​
Transitions and maneuvering cover require power and speed
If law enforcement, military, or prepared citizen try training in your kit
Moderate rest between sets and exercises
Finish with static stretching.
Upper Body Endurance
Front /Lateral Raises with Holds
Spiderman Push-ups​
Plyo Push-ups
Static Plate Holds
Bicep Biased​
Shoulder Biased
Farmer Carry
Lower Extremity Power
Weighted Lunge with High Knees
Weighted Squats
Back Squats​
Front Squats
Goblet Squats
Side Lunge
Weighted Step Up
Core Strength
Pallof Press
Plank with Hip Abduction
Alternating Supermans