I personally have never participated in volleyball competitively but have rehabilitated several athletes who suffered injuries from the sport. I have spoken with close family and friends who have spent time as collegiate athletes and have gleaned information form their experiences. Many have reported injuries from landing from jumping and with trying to pivot or traverse laterally when attempting to reach the ball. Volleyball will require short, quick bursts of movements in an attempt to keep the ball in the air passed to your teammates. These exercise recommendations will involve plyometric activity and overhead strength and power to help you be an asset on your team.
You have three hits to get the ball over the net to score. This is a team sport, and one must know and understand their own role to ensure you and your peers are working together efficiently.
Volleyball requires a good bit of over-head and lower extremity strength to help train the right musculature to ensure you are working to your full potential.
Landing mechanics and lateral mobility are key aspects to train to prevent injury. There is a lot of jumping and quick movements in Volleyball, so progress your hip strength and work on deceleration drills to assist with landing.
Preparation for Volleyball
Volleyball involves quick direction changes, jumping and landing, and overhead power and stability to assist with passing and dealing precise hits to score against your opponents. Of course, each position in Volleyball may require different moves and techniques, thus the exercises listed here are recommendations to perform in conjunction with your normal drills and fundamentals.
Begin with a Dynamic Warm-up.
5 min on the Bike/elliptical/treadmill​
High knees, butt kickers, A/B skips, lateral shuffles, jogging
Perform your exercises.
With adequate rest between sets to ensure good form and technique especially with landing mechanics​
Finish with static stretching.
Finish with Static Stretching.
Landing Mechanics & Lateral Mobility
Single-Leg Lateral Hops
Jumping Squats
Lateral Lunges
Slider Lunges
Single-Leg Fire Hydrants
Over-Head Power & Stability
Chest Flys
90/90 Shoulder External Rotation with Retraction
Core Strength
Pallof Press
Plank with Hip Abduction
Bear Plank